Monday, April 11, 2011

Does Road Rage and Changing Lanes Get You There Faster?

2 hours. 2.5 hours. 1 hour. 45 minutes. These are all times it has taken me to get to work. Why might you ask I don't work closer to my house? The thing is, I actually love what I do. Yes it is unfortunate that working in entertainment is mainly in LA, but the people and the place I work for are amazing. It would be less amazing if I had to be in rage everytime I got into my car and went to work.

You would think that driving in LA traffic all day that I would have awful road rage. That's quite the contrary. Other drivers exhibiting road rage merely make me laugh instead of making me furious. I give myself anywhere from 1.5 to 2 hours to get to work everyday. Sometimes it takes less and sometimes it takes more. On the days when it takes more, I find that weaving back and forth between lanes is not getting me to work any faster. It just gives more opportunity for me to get into a car accident. Driving is certainly much less stressful when I am not rushing to get somewhere. Obviously there are days when I am rushing but I am still aware and not changing lanes. I would rather explain that I am late due to sitting in traffic than explaining I am late because I caused an accident or was in an accident.

ABC news did a special on this topic awhile back and I remember watching it and thinking, I always stay in the same lane but would changing lanes actually get me to work faster? I am kind of OCD about it but I have been told I drive like a grandpa and always stay in the same lane. They lanes have become "my lanes".  What ABC did was send two people out on the freeway at the same time. One person was going to stay in the fast lane and one was going to weave in between cars to get to their final destination. The study found that the person who weaved in and out pulled into the parking lot one minute before the other driver. ONLY 1 MINUTE! Yes they arrived first but by only one minute.

So is it really worth putting yourself and others in danger by racing to get to work on time or by yelling or flipping off a car who cut you off because you were trying to switch into their lane? NO. Drive safe.

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