Tuesday, March 25, 2014

3 Years Ago I Became A Dad

By this time 3 years ago I had already been a dad for over 3 hours. I was stressed, overwhelmed and full of emotion and I can happily say that after 3 years I still feel the same way. What's different today is that it's just part of life. Averie came into this world knowing what she wanted and she was going to do things on her terms. I asked God to grace me with an independent strong willed girl with a big personality who knows how to take of herself but be a daddy's girl at heart. He must have a sense of humor because that's what he gave me ten fold. Averie makes me laugh everyday. Her giggle and little voice brings a smile to my face and fills my heart with joy. Her sense of fashion is undeniable and her love for chips reassures me she is mine. She loves to watch TV, play outside and go on long walks with Louis and Lola. She always wants to help me with my projects and you can tell she always wants to learn. There is no denying that Averie is one of the best things to happen to me. She has helped me become less selfish and challenged me to slow down.

As Jacob is about to arrive in a week there is no doubt that he has a big sister who can't wait to meet him. Averie will teach him the ropes of manipulating us into getting what he wants. She has already informed me that he will be wearing pink dresses and will be getting his nails painted. Jen asked Averie the other day because she was running around screaming around the house, "Where is my sweet and innocent little baby?" Averie pointed to Jen's stomach and said, "In your belly!"

I hope that Jacob's sense of humor and personality is just as big as Averie's because even though it will lead to arguments and heated standoffs, they will also lead to great stories and reassurement that they will both be fine and be able to take care of themselves. I wish for Averie the happiest of birthdays. I love her so much and I can't wait to see what life has in store for her.