Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Why Ask Jerome?


I am not an electrician, a carpenter, a gardener, a housekeeper, a chef, a dog walker or a mechanic. I am just an average guy who enjoys a challenge and loves to learn about my capabilities. My daughter's due date is tomorrow and I want her to grow up learning to be an independent woman who can conquer and work towards anything she puts her mind too. I don't want her to take no for an answer and I hope that she can come to me whenever she needs help. In order to do that, I have begun to teach myself how to do things around the house. 

Before I owned a house, I took it for granted that my dad would always do things for me. If I picked up the phone to ask him to do anything, I know that he would be over in 10 minutes, but I needed to learn to do things for myself. I never really paid attention when I had to change the oil in my car and I knew how to build something but never measured twice. My how things have changed. I have owned our house for 5 1/2 years and all I can say is thank goodness for Google and YouTube because I can find anything I need to learn right online. Sure I still ask my dad questions and when my father in law was alive, he was a walking textbook for cars, I would call him all the time asking about my truck. He had never even worked on my car but knew every detail about it.  I want to be that guy for my daughter and have the answers to any question she may have. If I don't know the answer or know how to do something, I will blog about it and share with everyone else. 

This blog is to talk about my journey of becoming a dad and all of the joys and hardships I have been told that being a dad entails, also to talk about normal life and everything that doesn't stop, just because a child is born. I want to talk about creating a garden for organic homemade baby food, building playhouses, cooking Sunday dinners for mom, cleaning the house while she sleeps in the baby bjorn and washing the dogs on saturday mornings. 

This is a continuation of Sundays with Jerome that I would post on our family's blog. I am not good about keeping up with the blog but I will try to be more conscience and blog every week. Check back for updates and if you have any questions you would like me to answer, let me know. Thanks to Jenneane, Bryon and Sara for inspiring me to start this.


  1. I know we talk almost twice a week on our way in to work, but I am looking forward to reading your blog! I don't know about the font and colors though, hard on my eyes, but maybe because its 11pm and I am still staring at a computer!

  2. I really enjoy your "family" blog and look forward to this peek into your life as a new dad. You are an amazing individual and your baby girl will be too!

  3. Oh my god, just when I thought I couldn't love a Boroff ANY more, you go and get more awesomer!!! Love you and can't wait for your baby girl to see how blessed and lucky she is to be born into your home. You and the wifey are gonna be the best parents!!!

  4. This makes me so happy!!! This is what a little conversation over some vodka/soda cocktails can inspire! I have questions for ask jerome!!! Ill wait a little while since as of this morning you and your beautiful wife are now parents!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to hear all about Averie! Congrats to you both!
